V7 – Kwajalein Atoll

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Indlæg: 1570
Tilmeldt: søn feb 04, 2018 2:30

V7 – Kwajalein Atoll

Indlæg af oz7c »


V7 – Kwajalein Atoll
V7/KX4QD, Randy Hisle, went on the air about a year ago, on “Roi Namur.” The V7/KX4QD home hamshack has an IC-7300 and the club station (V73AX) an IC-7410 and other gear. V7/KX4QD puts out 100 watts and under the V73AX callsign at the club station it’s a KW. The antennas are an MFJ multiband inverted V at home and a TH7 at the club, plus a log periodic and a multiband vertical, equipped for 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6. They are found in CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY. QSL via:

PSC 701
Box 978
APO A; 96555

You may also QSL through LoTW, and V73AX uses Club Log.

Randy notes Kwajalein has the largest lagoon in the world, surrounded by tiny islands that are remains of a giant volcano. When the volcano eroded the coral reef remained. Many World War Two battles were fought there and atomic bomb tests were done nearby. It is known as a scuba diving paradise due to the natural reefs and WW2 wrecks to be explored. Kwajalein Island is leased from the Marshall Islands and is operated by the US Army, with missile defense the main mission. No personal automobiles are allowed; people use bicycles. With the island a few miles long it takes an hour to ride around the entire island on a bike.

V7/KX4QD, Randy, is a broadcast engineer working for Armed Forces Network, bringing US TV to islanders, both military and civilian. He operates from home, usually with no more than 50 watts, to his inverted V. The KW station is the old MARS hamshack that has the tribander and KW. Corrosion problems often cause the rotor to freeze, with the salt, sand and humidity and year-round temperatures of 80-90F. So far, Randy has found 6-7 hams there and three are active. He has applied for a regular V7 callsign for himself and he has ordered QSL cards. He is overwhelmed with card requests as he waits for his blank cards to arrive. With his more limited station at home he mostly does FT8 from there and is now “playing around with RTTY.”

73 Boye
Indlæg: 711
Tilmeldt: man dec 07, 2015 8:24

Re: V7 – Kwajalein Atoll

Indlæg af oz1iky »


V73NS har ofte været at finde på 20 meter CW om morgenen, og op af formiddagen.
Han har tit kaldt CQ uden den større interesse?

Lidt synd, for han har faktisk haft et godt signal her på den her del af "Djævleøen".
Og han har rigtig gode "ører" !

Men enhver yderligere aktivitet er da rigtig rigtig meget velkommen !
COVID-19 har jo sat en stor begrænsning på mange aktiviteter og rejse-aktiviteter.

VY 73 til Alle, helt uden mulighed for undtegelser.

Kenneth OZ1IKy


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