TZ Mali

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Indlæg: 1570
Tilmeldt: søn feb 04, 2018 2:30

TZ Mali

Indlæg af oz7c »


TZ – Mali
TZ4AM has put up a two-element beam for 30 meters. Jeff says the tower holding his six meter beam failed a month ago, though it got him through the 6M e-skip season. He has fixed both the tower and beam and wanted to put up a Yagi to cover both 40 and 30 but found that was not possible at this point so he build a 30M full-size out of scavenged parts from unused antennas and bamboo poles for the “end pieces.” He says it still needed some tuning going into the weekend, with the plan of putting it on the nine-meter-tall tower on Sunday. He tested it at just 3M above the roof pointed toward North America and “It worked like a charm.” He was on for five hours and worked “a slew of NA stations plus a few EU and a few JAs.” He got some very good reports including 30 db at W3LPL, reported on RBN, the reverse beacon network. Updating us, he did not get the beam raised higher on Sunday but may get it done today. Even with the antenna where it is he is getting 579 CW reports from the North America East Coast.

His two beverages are also working well. The EU beverage is 400 meters long and works great on 160-30. The NA beverage is 200 meters long but also does well. Jeff plans to do a lot of 30 meter operating, and 80 and 40 too. He says 160 has had too much QRN to be fun but he did work OX/OZ1LXJ on 160 for a new one on that band.

So far Jeff has worked 188 DXCC entities on 30. He would like to reach 200 before leaving the country a month from now.

73 Boye
Indlæg: 710
Tilmeldt: man dec 07, 2015 8:24

Re: TZ Mali

Indlæg af oz1iky »

.. man bliver så glad for ens CW QSO på 6 meter med ham i sommers !

VY 73 til alle - helt uden rationeringsmærke


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